To navigate, press the arrow keys.To activate drag with keyboard, press Alt + Enter. Once in keyboard drag state, use the arrow keys to move the marker. To complete the drag, press the Enter key. To cancel, press Escape.Hablarp (Haborarp), Ödestugu (F)Gård/herrgård/hemmanIngierd Flachera (- 1714)Anders Westberg (1703 -)Anna Christina Westberg (1710 -)Anna Stina Westberg (1698 -)Berndt Westberg (1706 - 1714)Catharina Maria Westberg (1700 -)Christina Westberg (1714 - 1714)Elisabeth Westberg (1714 - 1714)Johannes Westberg (1695 -)Sara Westberg (1693 -)